Underoath is recording their new album right now. They have a web cam that shows them doing this in the studio and you can watch them record their new project. This is not at all my kind of music but I do understand this band is very Godly and I support my son in being one of their fans.
Recently one of his friends, Stephen, took him to their concert for his birthday. The photo above is from the concert -- Jordan took this photo himself. Then he actually met the drummer, Aaron Gillespie, backstage and got a photo with him! Here it is...this is one of Jordan's prized possessions. You can see the look on his face here is like, "I can't believe I'm standing here next to Aaron Gillespie!"
Well anyhoo, on to the details of this phone call. Jordan has been coming home from school and watching the web cam each day to see them record the album. They also have a message board. Jordan took a chance and posted his cell number and said, “call me…” and lo and behold, the bass player picked up the phone and called him and talked to him for 5 minutes! It made Jordan’s day/week/decade.
I think it’s so nice when someone in a high profile position such as that stops for a moment to make someone’s day. It was something so simple - a cell phone call, but my son will never forget it.
Jordan posted a bulletin on his Myspace today about it and I thought I would share it with you in his own words. Keep in mind Jordan expresses himself very differently from his brother or myself in writing...he's his own unique "dude" and he says "like" a zillion times everytime he talks or writes. So, like...here we go:
Jordan says:
I was on Underoaths Web cam and everyone was giving them numbers to call em and i gave them mine and Grant talked to me for like 5 minutes. It was amazing. I told them about the accident me and Stephen got in. [on the way to the concert] and he was like bum deal dude and i was like yea we like ran to the show from there and he was like sweet that it worked out and i was like yea. and i was like hows the record coming and he was like yea we have 6 tracts done for the drums and we should have eight done by Tuesday...and i was like yea dude ive been watching you guys record for the past like 4 days...and he was like thanks dude. Then he was like so you live in Tampa and i was like yea like right out side it in Wesley chapel. and he was like yea i know where that is me and some of my buddies go the the driving range out there. i was like sweet bro! then he was like yea I'm coming home soon in a few weeks and i was like true dude ill keep a eye out for ya. and he was like if ya see me come up and say hey. and i was like dude you wont have to worry about that man. and he was like alright man. and i was like God Bless Dude. Ugh definately one of the best Nights ever <3> Jordan Deanna here again:
Thanks Underoath! I appreciate that even though you are famous now you still care about people as individuals, especially 17 year old kids who look up to you and dream of the opportunity to meet you in person. I hate it when famous people get "too big for their britches" but it's definitely apparent you aren't like that and you really care about people. Thanks for being so kind to my son and at the concert and going so far as to call on the phone. I can only imagine how he feels. If Amy Grant ever called me they would have to pick me up off the floor and use the smelling salts. Even at 41 years old I would be so overwhelmed. So I can only imagine how my kid feels, getting a call and a photo with their musical heroes. If any of you band members actually google your name and possibly see this, please know I'm a Mom who appreciates your caring ways and your ministry to teenagers.
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