Dr. Phil: The question though, that I think a lot of people are interested in is the fact that when he has made the two appearances he had his wife standing at his side...uh, were you surprised at that?
TD Jakes: Not at all! That's public relations! He's got people who are handling him who have said we don't you to be seen there without your wife in that situation...
Dr. Phil: yeah, but I don't think you can get a big enough PR firm to get my wife [lots of laughter in audience and Robin shaking her head saying, "no way!"] to stand next to me if I just spend $5500 on a hooker... [loud audience applause]
TD Jakes: My wife might be standing there but she'd have a rolling pin behind her back getting ready to hit me across the head...
Dr. Phil: Robin, you were surprised, right, when you saw her standing there?
Robin: I was very surprised. For a lot of reasons. First of all because she was out there. I would not have gone out there to stand beside you, behind you, support you in any way...no! [loud audience applause and cheering] and the fact that she went out there with him and he showed her no respect -- he walked out in front of her, he never looked behind to see if she was following him...if she was okay, he never touched her when he apologized, he said he was going to work on "myself and my family" - he talked about himself, it was very insincere...he never looked at her, never supported her, nothing...and she was in that role as the first lady of New York because of his role - he put her in that role. He didn't live up to his responsibilities of the role - why should she?