It's very rare that I would have a whole Saturday off...I think it is that way with most pastors, at least the ones who work hard. :-)
Larry and I generally work 6 days a week with Friday off. Saturday is only an "off" day if all the work is done, or we don't have any meetings - which rarely happens. But we at least try to manage to make it a "sleep in" day.
It wasn't such for Lar today, but for me it was. Larry got up at the crack of dawn to go to Men's Breakfast. I slept in as late as I could possibly sleep. When I woke up, it was because Larry was back from Men's Breakfast and walked in our bedroom with a breakfast tray for me. When he does that for me it just screams, "I love you" at me all day long when I think about it.
Our boys got up and headed to work at the church and then decided to spend the night at Stephen's. Savanna came in as I was eating breakfast and said, "Morgan wants me to spend the night...can I go?" Wow, this was shaping up to be an incredible evening...by ourselves with no kids! I love my kids...but I really enjoy being alone with my husband whenever the opportunity presents itself. I took Savanna to Morgan's and then went to grocery shop for all the food for the leaders meeting (for 20 people) we're having tomorrow night.
I came home and started cooking some of my favorites. Sometimes I have the leaders all bring a dish to share and at other times I cook the whole meal. Being that this is the first meeting of the year I wanted to do everything. So today I have been getting all of the food prepped and the house clean for the meeting, making last minute calls for tomorrow's services and meetings, getting all of our clothes prepared and such.
After doing all that, Larry and I had dinner, and then watched a comedian on Comedy Central. After putting the finishing touches on lining up everything for when I wake up in the morning, Larry and I will enjoy this time that we have to ourselves in the house. If I didn't have to get up early for church in the morning...I might have decided to stay up all night...