I did sleep in, then got up and took a long hot bath and used my new "grape" spa products that Susan got me for an early Christmas gift. Hmmm...it was so nice. Then I got out, and put my new little spa flip flops that Susan also got me. (See here, they are, pictured with my new pedicure...and I stuck my hand in so you can see the mani too.)
All day I've been doing laundry - about 4 loads so far, and ironing for tomorrow, and also a lot of extra ironing like Larry's dockers, the boy's shirts, etc. Also getting the table linens ironed for Christmas and making the grocery list for Christmas dinner.
Savanna had a lock in with JAM kids church last night and Larry picked her up this morning and brought her home and then she slept a lot of the day. When she woke up she's been getting her clothes ready for tomorrow and playing with her new "extreme tickle me Elmo" that her grandma got her for Christmas and sent on to her, early... She loves it and I have to admit, I laugh when I hear it too. It's sort of contagious. A few minutes ago I painted her finger and toe nails red for church tomorrow. Then she wanted listen with her Hannah Montana's song, "I miss you".
Other than that, just gathering my things up for tomorrow for Sunday School and church, making a few reminder calls, and getting ready to sit in the jacuzzi outside with Teeby before going to sleep.
Readers, I simply ask for your prayers the next day or two for me to feel better. It's not a good time to be sick anytime, but I really don't want to be under the weather for Christmas. Thank you.
G'night, and have a great day in your place of worship tomorrow. (If you have one...and if you don't...why not start? This is a great time for new beginnings.)