To see the tribute, and just know where Larry's blog is in case you'd like to read it, go to http://www.larryshrodes.blogspot.com/.
Today after sleeping in and putzing around the house a little bit, we went out shopping to get some "after Christmas sales". I wanted a Christmas tree for my kitchen/dining room and I got one for next to nothing as well as most of the decorations for it. This one, I think...is going to be done with blue lights and silver decorations. I also got a small little tree for Savanna's room since she's been wanting one. Dustin had to work today, Jordan went to the movies, and Savanna went out with Larry and I to do the shopping thing. Then we also picked up things for our new year's eve party. We have one most times. It's always hard for me to pare down the guest list. I hate having to make choices like that - because my heart is to invite everybody in the whole world. I think I've invited about 50 people but I want to invite more so when a few people say they have plans or can't come even though I am disappointed that they can't make it, I get excited that I can start inviting more people. :-) My only concern is usually parking.
Casey's parents are coming to our party this year. :-) I told Larry we should call this party, "Meet the Parents". Today her Mom called and talked to me about coming and I told her how much we love Casey and she said they feel the same about Dustin. (SMILE)
I have been toying with putting my new tree with blue lights up in the kitchen, but wouldn't that be kind of stupid when I'm taking all the Christmas decor down this coming week? Yeah, it would be stupid. But I was just thinking about it since all my other Christmas decorations will still be up for new year's eve.
I picked up paint samples at Lowe's today. I'm getting ready to do some painting in the house. I'll be doing it by myself - Larry's shoulder won't be 100% for about 9 more months and he can't raise his arm up. So...it'll just be me but that's alright. I'm excited to start working on some things. Right now I am going to be starting by re-painting my kitchen.
Tomorrow is church, and I've been getting us prepared this evening as far as ironing all the clothes, lining up books, Bibles, purses, shoes, you know - all the stuff you need for church...except I don't just get "me" ready - I get my family ready too. My husband has never known what it is to get his own clothes ready. He wakes up and I have everything lined up for him. Part of my job is to make him look good. (GRIN)
Just preparing my heart as well for tomorrow...
I was reading today in Come Away My Beloved and the passage I read today is perfect prayer for our service tomorrow. It's brief, but expressed what was in my heart as the book so often does each time I read it:
As Rains of Refreshing As rains of refreshing O Lord Satisfy our hungering souls with Your abundance.
pour out Your spirit upon our waiting hearts
As showers upon new-mown hay
Send your spirit upon our thirsty souls
For upon You, O God, do we wait.
Yes, fill our longing hearts with Your fullness.
For in Your presence there is fullness of joy.
at Your right hand are eternal pleasures