Last night was another night of difficult sleep though I am trying hard to get in a serious pattern of sleep and rest. For some reason there are many nights it is difficult for me to sleep even if I take a Melatonin or something to help me, it still eludes me. I'm a person who has a hard time "shutting down". I'm like a powered up computer all the time, always logged on. I desperately need sleep and rest but so many ideas are spinning in this head of mine, and so much on my 'to do' list, it often becomes a challenge.
So I was up bright and early as I always am on Sunday - actually there was nothing bright about it, but it was early. I get up way before the sunrise. First I get my shower, with just my dim shower light on - to sort of ease into the day without having this barrage of light on me right away screaming at me to wake up. I stand under the warm water and just let it wake me up for a while. Then after drying off and getting my robe and slippers on I come out and put the teapot on, and feed Geena and take her out, and it's still dark outside but a little light is starting to break and I usually see three ducks gliding on the pond about that time. I go back in, get my tea and a whole wheat english muffin or some Fiber One, put a tangerine in my purse for a mid-morning snack before Sunday School, and then go back to do my makeup, hair and get dressed. By 7:30 I'm on 75 South, headed to the church. And that's usually my morning...
Today we had a really smooth morning - nothing out of order or unusual. Sunday School and church went well and we had a visiting lady who just moved from NJ who seems just absolutely delighted to find out church and says she's found her new church home. Sharp lady. She's been in the AG for a long time and is glad to find (in her words) a church where she can "really feel the presence of God."
The boys went to Stephen's after church and Savanna went to Morgan's. Larry went to the Bucs football game with Alex, and so I was by myself today. I came home, ate lunch and went to bed until Larry came home from the game. I got a good nap with a quiet house. So nice. I woke up when he came home and we got ready and headed over to our bridges fellowship group. Had just a lovely time...at the Brown's home. I ate WAY too many of Anita's little Italian cookies and I actually brought about 8 of them home. She said, "take them home for the kids." Hate to say it but my kids will probably never see these cookies... (GRIN)
Today was a very good Sunday but truly I am glad to move on into the new season that God has for me. It's time. Very much time.
It's a new season...
it's a new day
fresh anointing is coming my way
it's a season of power, and prosperity
it's a new season and it's coming for me.
Somebody shout now!