I thought we had a good number of people for Thanksgiving weekend. So many are away and with all the folks telling me, "we won't be there this weekend...we'll be in ________________" I wondered if anybody but the faithful few would be there!
It was so good to get back to teaching Sunday School. I've been two weeks without teaching my class and I really missed it. I live for SS. This is my 25th year of teaching, can you believe it? I always crack up at people who say, "I've been teaching SS for quite a while and dealing with some burnout...I think I need a break..." and I just shake my head. After 25 years you couldn't pull me away from this if you tried. And if somebody made me quit, oh well, I guess I'd just go down to McDonalds and gather a few unsaved people and form a new class or something, which doesn't sound like a bad idea for somebody to do anyway! (But not me for now, I'll keep the sanctuary class, thank you...)
It was good to see a number of people who I just haven't connected with since coming back from Kenya. I saw Kerry Todd in the hallway!!! Wonder of all wonders. (Kerry and I never cross paths at church although we are both there! We connect on the blog and happen to be in the same church and never see each other...but today I caught her in the hallway after she was done teaching.)
I preached today - the last message in our "Life Swap" series. My message was, "Life Swap: A Consecrated Life." My message was from Romans 12: 1 & 2 and it was interwoven with testimony from my Africa trip. We ended with a DVD of photos of my trip to the song, "Here I Am" by Michael W. Smith. (Pastor T put it together for me...thank you, T...you are always so faithful to help me!) Then I gave an altar call and we sang, "The Potter's Hand". We had about 4 re-dedications this morning and I think one new salvation. And lots more people coming forward for prayer to set themselves apart for God in a greater way. Good stuff!
I met some first time guests in the hospitality room afterwards and then Larry and I headed to lunch with John Torres. Always a delight to spend time with him. (For those who don't know him - he is the head of our media at Northside ~ got saved in the last few years and is just a wonderful man who loves Jesus so much...we are blessed to have him as part of our family.) We go to a Peruvian place with him - Terra Sur...it's an incredible place he introduced us to. They have steak that is like NONE OTHER YOU HAVE EVER HAD. Everything there just melts in your mouth.
After that I came home, and have been laying across the bed with Teeby ever since, checking mail, updating some things, watching a little TV here and there. So good to just relax a few moments before the day takes off like a rocket tomorrow...