We got the tree in the living room up with relatively little problem which is incredible since the paper was lost somewhere between last year and this year. (Yes, I put up artificial trees now...stopped with the real ones once we moved to Tampa.) I figure, department stores do it, and so will I. Our living room tree is all of our ornaments that the kids have made and our special ones we've been given over the years. I haven't purchased any ornaments for that tree, it's basically a "memory tree" of things given to us or made by the children.
Then last year I added another smaller tree in the family room that is my "sugared fruit" tree. I wanted to do a tree in that theme sort of after the "fruit of the spirit". I have enjoyed it last year and even more this year, as I added some things to it and probably will again next year. Except next year I want to add a third tree in the kitchen, which is really flipping Larry out...he says, "is that really necessary?" Um no, I guess not but when did we start doing things that were just "necessary"? (Grin) I don't think we're doing lights outside this year due to the fact that it's just too difficult with Larry's shoulder still healing from surgery.
So the house is decked out as much as it's going to be for Christmas...my message is finalized for in the morning...powerpoint ready...roast for tomorrow is in the crockpot...and it's time for me to sleep. G'night all.
p.s. you know, I notice on my blog stats that about 1/3 of my readers only read on the weekdays. So that leaves me to wonder if they catch up when Monday morning comes...? Do they read the weekend posts, or just start where we're at? Not that I really care...I blog for myself more than anybody. So whether people catch up or not doesn't make a difference, I'm just curious!