I did great at WW today ~ dropped another pound and a 1/2. Yippee! For those reading this who need to lose weight and get discouraged by a pound here and a pound there versus a lot at once, realize that slow is the best and safest way to lose and - a pound here and there adds up! I have someone in my WW class who lost a pound a month which might not sound like much but she has been there for two years and has lost 24 pounds. That's not bad! With some people that's all they need to lose. For others who need to lose more, realize a pound a month is better than staying where you're at! If the same woman keeps doing that, just think of all the weight she'll continue to lose as she stays steady.
Today we talked about ditching the dieting mindset and getting the live-it mindset. In other words, a lifestyle...and "I am doing this for life" frame of mind. I'm there! I'm there! I'm there! Today the WW receptionist (who is so sweet) says to me, (when she weighed me in), "Boy Deanna, you're comin' back down, girl!" Yes, I am...small and in charge...mark it down ladies and gentlemen!!!
Today I came home from work and made baked parmesan chicken, mashed potatoes and asparagus. (yum) Usually I don't take time to cook on Wednesday nights but the past two I have - I have just felt like it and worked my other "getting ready" tasks around it. Right now I cannot share the details (all of us are asked to keep confidentiality) but our WW class was chosen as a "test market." We get to test out a new program!!! We are not able to share any of the details...they are "top secret" in fact if our teacher gets asked about it outside of class she has to say, "I don't know what you're talking about." Isn't that funny? But seriously, can't share the details but all I will say is, I like the changes! So far it seems everyone does.
Wednesday night church was tonight and we began our series on "Proverbs: Wisdom Keys for Living". Tonight was my turn to teach and I did an introduction. (It takes me one full week when I do an introduction... I've learned with my style of teaching never to put the intro and lesson one together.) Anyway, we had a good time. Tonight was a lot of fun, in God's Word. Great stimulating discussion. I love my church, did I mention that lately? We have so many supportive people who are just so wonderful to be around.
Coming home from church, it's time to wind down...and have the other 1/3 of my Republic of Tea that I saved from last night. I'll make some chocolate chip cookies for the kids and we'll have our latest Wednesday night family ritual - Kid Nation and The New Bionic Woman.
Can you believe only about four more weeks til' I leave for Africa? Today Pastor T said, "Um, PD did you know the fighting in Kenya right now is worse than in Iraq?" I don't know about that and even if it is I am not worried about it. I am so through with worrying over anything God asks me to do. You just do it because there's no greater place to be - than right where He wants you.
I'm glad I'm right where He wants me.
Today, I'll officially be joining the ranks of all of you on WW. I'm very excited...