One reason he cited was this...he says, "People can be mean. When we put our ideas in the public domain, it opens us up for public abuse and some folk feel free to torch our ideas (and us personally) publicly. This discourages some—especially women, from continued blogging."
I thought about that and realized a few things about why I'm still blogging. (By the way, I started blogging officially on December 21, 2005 on my MySpace and then transferred to here. So I've been blogging everyday for almost two years straight.) And in addition to being a writer and not just recreationally writing but having the call upon my life to write, I believe there are some other reasons I don't give up. Drury says that people can be mean and that our ideas (or we personally) can be torched and many women give up - presumably not being able to "take the heat" so they get out of the kitchen. With me, I'm used to being torched. So I guess it's really no big deal to be torched for a blog now and then if it happens because in the ministry if you stay in it for long, you will go through abuses and torchings and kind of almost taken them as a given.
Besides that, I love writing way to much to care about being torched. I would rather die than stop writing.
No amount of rejection would ever cause me to stop. Martin Luther said, "if you want to change the world, pick up your pen." I would give that the modern translation..."if you want to change the world, log on to your computer."
God bless you Pastor Deanna and lots of love - Lady Sutton