It started by Larry deciding to get up with Savanna and take her to the bus stop - instead of me having to do it. Ahhhh...bliss! Then he came back to bed for a while and we decided to get up at around 10:30. I promptly got on line at 10:30 to take care of a few things regarding Dustin's birthday and then said, "we've gotta shower and get out of here to take care of some stuff for his birthday" (more details tomorrow...) So we had to go shopping for his birthday. At this time with Dustin being a high school graduate, he is home much of the time on "fun Friday". Unless we are on one of our private dates, we usually invite him to do things with us -- so we asked if he wanted to go out with us today. He did. (He likes being with us!) We went shopping, for something for his big day tomorrow. He was none the wiser as I shopped. I just told him I was doing some things for women's ministries. I think God is okay with this kind of thing but just to be sure, I went ahead and made a very small WM purchase to justify what I told him. He still has no idea that I was buying something for him.
We went to lunch with him and enjoyed our time talking, mostly about political things. It makes me happy that my son's head is on straight regarding political matters. :-) I won't detail here what we talked about, but let's just say he shares the same conservative mindset that we do. Speaking of political matters, our friend Rob Schenck called Larry yesterday and invited us to come up for a special event he's having. We can't go because I'll be in Africa but it was good to hear from him.
We finished up our shopping and I was hoping my glasses would be finished today to pick up, but they weren't. Larry took them in for me before 10 am yesterday because usually they will come back from St. Pete the next day but it didn't happen today. This means I need to be without them two nights in a row which is uncomfortable, however necessary. They will more than likely be ready by tomorrow afternoon and we'll get them. By the way, the new contacts have settled down and are feeling normal now just like Dr. Stanley said would happen. I'm also getting them in and out relatively easy although they are slightly larger and thicker. They are much better for my eyes so it was something I really needed to pursue.
So after all this we went to a thrift store for me to look for more clothing selections for Africa. I only found one thing for $1.99. I pulled out my debit card to pay for it and the cashier said, "do you really need to use a card for that?" I said, "yes, I'm sorry I don't carry cash." He said, "just take it. It's not worth it to me to swipe the card." I felt bad for him but honestly it was all I had and my only method of payment. So he sent me on my way without having to pay.
Tonight Jordan and Savanna went to Jordan's church softball game. Larry and I stayed home with Dustin. Larry was setting up Dustin's TV we got him for his birthday. (That is one of his 2 gifts) He wanted it to play video games in his room. I made dinner and Stephen came over to eat supper and spend the night and he and Dustin enjoyed playing halo, eating cookies and generally putzing around. Lisa and Bernie stopped by tonight and gave Larry an early birthday present: a Stryper Live Concert DVD. HE IS LOVING IT!!!
I did some minimal housework but have been trying to just rest today while I've been home and resist the temptation to do lots of laundry or other stuff, because Friday is my one day to rejuvenate and then things crank up for the week and it's like a rollercoaster ride. This is my maintenance day to get ready for what's to come. Tomorrow we are celebrating Dustin's big day but I do have to finish some things for Sunday too.
I've enjoyed this beautiful day. It was a good day ~ spending with my husband and son and just being together. It's starting to be a big reality for me right now that I'm getting ready to be apart from them for a while and today I actually cried over it but I know it will be alright.