We came home and I didn't feel like cooking supper, neither did Jordan or Larry so we just did frozen pizzas from the freezer. Nobody seemed to mind.
Tonight I still have a few things left to do such as set everything up for our vision meeting tomorrow night (we have dinner here at our house with about 20 leaders, and then a meeting), iron all the clothes for in the morning for everyone, and look over my notes again for in the morning. I would like to go for a late night walk with Larry if we aren't too tired...we'll see what happens. I am believing tomorrow will be a great day in the house at Northside.
Five things I'm thankful for today:
1) My life coaching group brought up today how excited they are for me about Africa. They insisted on having special prayer for me today. It was a good time together as it always is. Today our teaching was on depression and spiritual insights into combating it. And our prayer time was on the theme of Thanksgiving.
2) Candy brought some YUMMY stuff to life coaching and we enjoyed it during our teaching and I made a pot of tea. It was so good to share it together around the table as we talked.
3) It rained last night real hard which was good for my plants and trees outside but it was also wonderful to wake up, hear the rain beating down and go back to sleep. I love sleeping while it's raining.
4) I took a bath when I woke up this morning with "Moonlight Path". Sometimes I just need more than just one luxurious start to my day per week.
5) I feel God's love and my family's love. Who could ask for more?
Tonight's Sequel: had to add this to my blog before bedtime...Larry didn't feel like walking tonight - no big deal, I needed a harder workout on the elliptical - my legs are crying out for change! So I headed to the gym and worked out. When I came home I noticed that Bobby had stopped by to visit. He brought us onion rings from Remington's. He said, "you guys feed me so much, I wanted to stop by and bring these..." (Sweet? Yes. A temptation? Also yes...) Larry ate some, and I told Bobby as grateful as I was, I had just worked out and would leave the rest to Jordan, who was very glad to eat them! Ah, that workout felt good...time to shower, put the finishing touches on tomorrow and spend some time with the babe.