Today was my day off but I had a lot to do both fun and home/work related. Larry got up and went to his appointment with the specialist for his arm and he dropped me off at my nail salon. Today was Larry's consultation with his x-rays. He has to have an operation on his shoulder on October 4th. He has an Impingement and a Labrum tear. Therefore he will be having shoulder arthroscopy and rehabilitation after that. He's actually relieved that perhaps this is coming to an end. The damage has been there for a while and it's been getting worse and worse until the pain has been really unbearable lately. It prevents him from doing a lot of things he wants to do. The surgery is supposed to pretty much "almost" guarantee a full recovery and him being able to do the things he once did. I say "almost" because doctors never give 100% guarantee. He has a great surgeon, Dr. Frankel recommended by our wonderful MD's (Drs. Watson & Latortue) and then he is planning on having his rehabilitation done by Greg Todd, a member of in our church who owns and operates a physical therapy place. (We are hoping Greg has an opening for him...that would be Larry's first choice of who to go to...maybe since it's his pastor he can squeeze him in even if he's extra busy. That would be just perfect if it works out.)
So Larry finished up with his consult with the surgeon, I finished up with my nails (Tony & Lisa gave me an extra special design today - they always do something especially cool when I tell them I'm going to be going on a trip...) and we had our "fun Friday" lunch date together. I worked out for quite a while on the elliptical today (it was awesome with the new music Dustin put on my MP3 for me!) and then I showered and got all cleaned up again and we went to get a bridal shower gift for Cathy Sed who is having her shower on Sunday. I can't be there because I'll be in Houston, but of course I'll be sending something. I got her something super exciting (you can probably guess what it is...I always usually get brides lingerie...) but I won't ruin the surprise here and say exactly "what kind" but suffice it to say, it's rather exciting. I wish I could see her face when she opens it.
After we came home I had to pack, finish washing clothes, make supper, clean up the supper dishes, iron and lay out all of Larry's clothes for Sunday (I dress him whether I'm here or not) clean our bathroom (so I don't want to jump off a cliff with the stress of coming home to it), water my plants, tidy up the rest of the house again, and now...
I'm ready to spend a few more moments with Larry...our last til' I get home on Monday night.
G'night...see you in the morning, Pastor Lisa!