What was the highlight of your week? Seeing people touched by God during the ministry time at Pastor Lisa's church. Nothing like God moving..nothing, nothing, nothing.
Who's car were you in last? My husband's.
When and where was your last kiss? with Larry on our date last night. It was my first day/night back from Texas and he wanted to take me out. We went on a date to Red Lobster (we were both good on our WW points...he is losing too...) and then we went to spend some of my birthday money that I did not spend yet. And the kiss...oh yeah...it was in the car, on our date. :-)
How long is your hair? The one I was born with or the one I have the receipt for? ha ha! Okay, my real hair (not the one in this photo) is about an inch above my shoulders. Guess what, I wore my new hair on my date last night! I think he really likes it, at least for something different.
Last movie you saw? I can't remember. My days have sort of blurred together. I know Larry and I went to the movies again after seeing the latest Die Hard but I can't remember what we saw. We stopped by Muvico last night and thought about seeing something but nothing looked appealing, so we didn't stay.
Last thing you ate? Broiled seafood platter at Red Lobster. (I don't eat until late Wed. morning til' after I weigh in at WW.)
What was last thing you drank? Tea.
Are you happy right now? Yes. I'm home and Larry and I are getting along.
What did you say last? "Okay babe, talk to you later. I love you."
Where is your phone? Right next to me and I hate the thing.
What was the last museum you went to? The Scriptorium in Orlando.
Who did you last hang out with? My husband, when I got home from TX!
What do you hate/dislike currently? I'm having an issue with sleep, deprivation that is. I am trying to get it resolved. I think Larry is going to help me fix it. Maybe I'll blog about it sometime, maybe not. We'll see.
What are you listening to? Nothing. It's totally quiet. I love it. I can even hear the wind blow outside a little bit, it's so quiet in here.
If you could have one thing right now what would it be? A book contract.
If I had a million dollars... first I would tithe. Second, I would pay off my house and make some significant investments to keep the money coming in and not just have a million to deal with. After making the investments, I would give an offering to a few people/churches/ministries in need. Third, I would give my kids some things I know they would like to have as well as our staff and friends. And fourth, I would order a few cases of Republic of Tea and get a new outfit from Bealls. I am still not sure I would get a car. I don't know if I'm ready yet.
What are your favorite stores? Bealls Outlet, Bealls, JC Penney's, Ross, Steve & Barry's, Claire's, Victoria Secret, Kirklands, Barnes & Noble, PayLess, Dots, Stein Mart, Walmart, Target ... so many stores so little time.
What makes you the happiest? Right now I love having down time to renew myself for what's coming.
What were you doing at midnight last night? Loving the fact that I was home in my own bed.
What's for dinner tonight? Chicken.
Who was the last person to send you a text message? Pastor Lisa. She's a text message freak.
Where was the last place you went shopping? Target. I used a gift card I got for my birthday. I got some high heeled brown flip flops (been wanting them for some time now, just waiting) and a bunch of pink and black bras and panties. :-) Yippee!
How do you feel about your hair right now? I feel great about both the real and the one I have a receipt for. :-)
Do you have any expensive jewelery? My wedding ring; my anniversary ring; my 21st birthday ring (all three from Larry) and then some pearl earrings he got me from Littman's.
AIM or MSN? Neither
Where does most of your family live? Baltimore, Alabama, Virginia
What was the first thing you thought when you woke up this morning? Is it really time to get out of this bed? I can't wait to go to sleep again.
Do you drink beer? No, I hate it. Yeech!
Who do you miss? A lot of people. Too many to name.
Myspace or Facebook? Myspace although I have them both.
What is your favorite subject in school? English.
Do you have any talents? Yes
Do you have any children? 3 and one in heaven.
Did you take a nap today? I will take a power nap right before church.
Ever met someone famous? I guess sort of, a few Christian artists... but never met the one I want to meet most...Amy Grant.
Do you want to be famous? Not sure. The more I see of what happens to famous people...I don't know. I recently prayed..."God, if it means I would fall then please don't make me famous."
Can you handle being in the military? Are you kidding? Um, I like to live in heels, and if something would happen to pull one of my nails off they probably wouldn't let me take a break to repair it. Do they have pink uniforms? Can you carry different purses to your post of duty each day? Could I wear my bangle bracelets and colored watches? Um, probably not. So...No! No! No! I would only give these up for a missions trip.
Ever been to Las Vegas? No, but I would like to go.
When is the last time you updated your blog? I update it every day. I'm a monster blogger.
Have you been to New York City? Yes, and it's one of mine and Larry's favorite places.
Ever been to Disneyland/world? Yes, and it's okay, but I'm not wild about it.
Last thing you cooked: WW egg sandwich. Yummy!
Stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone? Answered it a few times when I shouldn't have and it stressed me out. I hate my cell if you haven't figured it out. When it rings, people just want things from me. Rarely do they just call to say, "I love you." It's always, "hey, what about..." or "can you get..." or "I need to ask you..." My cell phone is definitely tolerated not celebrated. I thought I might like it more if it was pink, but no. I still hate it. Every time I answer my cell I feel like I am being nibbled at by little mice who just want a piece of me.
Last time you were sick? a few months ago. Then the school year ended and Savanna got a new teacher. :-) Long story...
Do you like anyone right now? I like most people I meet. If I don't like someone it's a very rare thing and usually a good reason for it. As far as "like" as in romantically? That applies to only one person - Larry Shrodes.