I got to Houston right on schedule this morning. Pastor Lisa actually met me in the airport. I was surprised! You know most people just pick people up outside at curbside these days. So I expected to go get my baggage and meet her outside. But there she was as soon as I exited the area that goes through security, she was coming at me, and instead of a cyber scream, we had a real one! We were so excited.
We got my bags and went to Applebees for lunch. I introduced her to the Pecan Encrusted Chicken Salad (my favorite!) and she loved it. We talked for a few hours about life, ministry, and stuff that you just want to sit across another ministry woman who walks in your shoes and talk about. Good stuff. Then we went for a tour of the church which was very nice, and then on to my hotel. I love it here. I have my own little suite complete with a little living room, kitchenette, and you know, I think the beds are sort of like they are at Hampton Inn. I feel a good night's sleep coming on. Also, there's a jacuzzi downstairs. Yee ha! (Zion Tabernacle is taking real good care of me. What wonderful people...)
But first - tonight's meeting! I need to go pray some more, get in the zone, and then one of the ladies from the church will be here to pick me up....
More later on this wonderful weekend in Texas.
p.s. by the way, Houston is HUGE. I can't express to you how long it took to get from one end of this city to the other. No comparion to Tampa.
Second, we go through there every summer on the way to one of the conferences we do during the summer.
We always stop in Houston and take a little travel break.
I am praying that ya'll have a fantastic time. May the Lord bless.