In case you are wondering, (and I know you're probably not but I'll tell you anyway) I have read almost every book written about the Simpson case. I watched every day of the trial (taped it and watched it after work each day). I can tell you just about any fact about the case and discuss it very knowledgeably. And, it's something I still have a lot of passion for even 13 years later. Apparently, a lot of America does too. I am not the only one, by far. We have not forgotten.
I have often thought about what I would be if I were not a pastor. I always wanted to be a high school teacher but another job I seriously thought about was criminal prosecutor. I would love to be a "Nancy Grace" and work hard to get justice for victims and their families. (I am a huge Marcia Clark/Christopher Darden fan!!!) But alas, I'm called to ministry, so chasing down criminals is not an option, although sometimes in the ministry, I guess we do chase down criminals.
Well, where is my rant, you might wonder...
I can't print it. I have to confess to you it's a well crafted piece of writing and Larry even laughed at some of it. But after he heard it and I read through it a couple times I thought, "um, you know...people will probably not understand my heart at all on this...some of the stuff I say is just so 'over the top' strong" I write with the passion I do because I hate to see people hurt and when I see them hurt, I write about it with all the vigor I can muster, as if I can right some wrong by doing it. But I can't. So I'm not printing it. I must admit, though I am not printing it publicly it just felt so good to say it all.
So why am I telling you about something I won't print? Well, I said I was going to do a special O.J. blog. And although I'm really not getting into the ins and outs of why I feel the way I do, I will just say...my heart hurts for victims and their families. Seeing Fred and Kim Goldman on TV once again this week weeping was heartbreaking for me. I have very, very strong feelings about it, very strong feelings about the killer, and what should happen. I can honestly tell you - I have been praying for the victim's families whenever I think of them, for 13 years.
God...please do something.
The others buried and mourned for the past.
These children will live with the doubt and reputation of this man for the rest of their lives. Imagine the doubt they live with as they wonder if Daddy killed Mommy.
All deals with the devil will be off once the killer steps into eternity. That is unless they meet the Savior first.
I stumbled across your blog -- it's really great and creative!
I'm also a fan of Marcia Clark and Chris Darden. I heard that they are no longer speaking...have you heard about their current relationship??
Take care!