1) State your dream in the positive. (For instance don't say, "I'm going to lose weight so I won't be tired all the time" but instead say, "I'm going to lose weight and have a lot more energy!")
2) Make your dream specific. (Don't just say you want to lose weight - give your dream a deadline and goals along the way.)
3) Be sure it's within your control. (Example: don't say, ""My husband and kids will not bring junk food home" but instead say, "I'll stock my house with all the great foods I need to succeed!" You can't control what others do but you can control what you do.)
4) Check to make sure it's a good fit with your life. (All dreams aren't good for our lifestyle. For instance, if you are not a morning person don't make it your dream to get up at 5 am and work out.)
Remember, losing the weight is NOT YOUR DREAM!!! The dream is what losing weight will get you.
Discover yourself
Reach for the stars
Expect great things
Aim higher with a winning outcome and
Make it come true!
By the way, my specific dream as regards weight is to be a little under goal in the next twelve weeks. Along with Pastor Tara...sit back and just watch me shrink! I told my husband last night, I want to be "small and in charge." He said, "WHAT?" I said yeah, you know, versus large and in charge! :-) Still a leader, yet along with PT, "the incredible shrinking woman."
It's been a tough 2007 and in the beginning of this year my husband declared this year "the year of the next level." The enemy has tried to do nothing but torpedo me through taking a bunch of stuff from me, and attacking my family and all I hold dear, but it's like this, I'm coming back to get my stuff. Only he has to pay me back more than he took. Just to give him another black eye in his already ugly face I'm going to not only hit lifetime goal, but I'm telling you - I'm going six pounds beyond it just to spite him. Get ready, get ready, get ready!
I am in the process of loosing weight. A process that has been taking awhile.
I like the four points--I 'll have to think about them.
And I love--small and in charge!