I am meeting Pastor Lisa to spend some fun time together and just sharing our heart as girls (and pastors) and then fly home this evening. I'll probably touch down in Tampa Bay just as the sun is setting.
I'm enjoying my last moments in Houston but can't wait to meet Larry at the airport and nuzzle my face on his chest (I'm much, much shorter than him...) and have him give me a big squeeze and then see my girl and say, "SAVANNIE BANNANNIE!!!" and give her hugs and kisses. The boys might surprise me and come but probably not...they will more than likely be chilling at home and I'll walk in and Jordan will want to show me some You Tube video that he's just found of some kid squirting Fabreze in his face and screaming like an idiot, or some drummer that is "the most phenomenal ever" and Dustin will just give me a squeeze and kiss on the cheek and say, "Hey Momma, how'd you do?" Then he'll remark something about, "thank God you're home so we can eat something besides cereal..."
Yes, this is our routine as I re-enter the family atmosphere on site. And I love it!