2) I've become more courageous.
3) I am more focused than ever on making a difference.
4) My goals have become even more defined and streamlined.
5) I appreciate everything a lot more.
6) I savor things more than I used to...even the smallest things like sitting on the beach in the sand, or riding my bike at sunset.
7) Great sex.
8) My kids are getting older and this gives me more freedom than I used to have, the best thing being spontaneous dates and not having to line up a sitter each and every time.
9) I really have some of the most wonderfully supportive women friends a person could ask for. Somehow I have been able to cultivate this, even with being in ministry which many ministers or spouses never accomplish with the fishbowl existence.
10) When I'm criticized I care a lot less about defending myself now and instead just concentrate on doing a great job and allow my success to speak for itself and defend me.
11) The more I live, the more I realize the volume of things I don't know. My thirst for learning is greater than ever. I must learn something new every day. It's a craving I enjoy having fulfilled each day.
12) Even after all this time, I realize I've only scratched the surface when it comes to knowing God. There's so much there - and I can't wait to experience it.
13) Self consciousness is so much less of an issue in my 40's, than earlier decades. I really am comfortable "in my own skin" (probably too much so sometimes...) Larry always panics because I prefer not to get dressed at home unless I have to...especially on our day off when it's just the two of us, which most husbands would probably say "PRAISE THE LORD" to if their wives were that way. But, Larry being the more conservative person of the two of us is always like, "DEANNA! SOMEBODY'S IN THE DRIVEWAY!!! THEY'RE COMING UP THE WALKWAY!!! STOP RE-FILLING YOUR COFFEE IN THE NUDE, AND GO GET DRESSED!" To which I don't panic (the blinds are shut, so what's the big deal?) but slowly turn as the doorbell rings and say to Larry, "Whaaaat? Lar, it's no big deal. Chillax. [Got that from my kids!] Just tell them to wait a minute til' I'm done...geez...quit rushing me." I slowly shuffle back to our room. Larry shakes head at this point and walks away to answer the door...
14) I find joy in such a broader range of things including solitude.
15) The value of prayer - through years of experience and the level I'm at in my walk right now - is so much greater in my life. I can hardly wait to see what God will do next as I seek Him.