I slept in this morning and would have kept going longer but my sister called from Baltimore telling me she was at a store and found an adorable knock off Prada purse that was pink and white and wanted to know if I wanted it. Hello...is the pope Catholic??!!
A purse. Now there's a good reason to be woke up! Last night, I prepped my special sweet roll recipe for the kids (and us too, but they are the ones who are most ga-ga over them) and they have to sit all night covered up and you bake them in the morning. Larry got out of bed while I was talking to Kim and put the rolls in the oven. It was nice to just check my mail and eat my breakfast in bed. :-) Although I find myself working hard most Saturdays, at least it's a day where I can drink my tea in bed and move a little slower, and take a long bath instead of a quick shower.
Once my day really got started it was time to get up, clean the entire house, make some phone calls for Sunday that I had yet to make, get all the clothes ironed, wash two loads of clothes, start dinner (my kids favorite - my pot roast), rehearse my special music number for in the morning, edit my women's class teaching one more time and print it out for tomorrow, set my initiative list for Monday and print out, get things lined up for our "Bridges" home fellowship group here at the house tomorrow night, and a bunch of other stuff it would take way too long to detail here. I planned on weeding (my least favorite chore. I loathe it.) but just ran out of time. I guess I'll tackle that Monday night after work. It was so nice to get to the end of it all and just be able to have my quiet time with the Lord, read the Word, Secrets of the Secret Place, Come Away My Beloved, and ask for God's insight and blessing for tomorrow. One thing is for sure, nothing significant will happen without Him.
At 8 pm tonight Savanna came out and showed me what she was wearing to church tomorrow. She had no shoes to go with it. Upon bringing all of her shoes out to show me I discovered she has outgrown them all again. (And I just bought her two pairs a month ago.) She can now wear MY shoes. I can't believe it. She's growing so much. Larry had to run off to Bealls and get her a pair of shoes to wear in the morning because literally her foot was hanging over the edge in her current shoes. I would have taken her but I was all grubby from cleaning. It's hard to face reality sometimes that the kids are growing up so fast.