The theme of kids camp this week was "Boom!" This stands for: Be ready Obey On Fire Mission Be ready means to be ready for when Jesus comes back...make sure you are ready to go with Him. Obey means to obey your elders and Jesus. On fire means to be on fire for Jesus. and Mission means to accept your mission that God gives you. I really enjoyed Go-Kart
God also told people what they are going to be when they grow up and He filled people with the Holy Spirit. Praise and worship was good. Pastor Billy, when the kids got mail would make fun of it. He was so funny. He said to the ones that didn't have stamps, "oooh, this one doesn't have a stamp," and then he would drop it on the floor and stamp on it!
Pastor Trinity covered Jordan in chocolate syrup, strawberry syrup and Rice Krispies cereal. He did that because he was telling us about the Good Samaritan and that was supposed to be the blood, the oil and the wine. It was really cool.
The food at camp was really good and Pastor Billy would name endangered animals and say that that is what we were eating. He said that about pigeons or something like that I think.
We were all having a Skittle fight on the way there. We lost Chelsea's sleeping bag and pillow so we had to stop at Wal-Mart. Pastor T didn't seem upset though, I think he thought it was kind of funny. We were kidding around that the stuff fell out, but it really did. Then he put the top on because he didn't want anything else to fall out of the trailer.
There was a girl in our room from another church and she had never been to camp before. She looked like LilyBet off of The Last Sin Eater, and I'm not even kidding.
Also, Dana who went with our church had never eaten a pancake before. Can you believe that?
All the girls thought Jordan was cute. At the pool they tried to cling on to him but he would go underwater and hold his breath and then me and Shelby would protect him from the girls. We protected him during the shaving cream fight. The girls were like crazy maniacs with Jordan. They asked me how old he was and stuff. I told them he was 17 because I kept forgetting he is 16.
All in all I had a terrific time.
Okay, I'm back. Can you see why every kid should go to camp? I hope you are convinced. I sure am.