What this basically means is that I'm not only cramming my church work but my "home" work into a little space of time, plus packing and all that jazz, to be able to be free for the next few days. I am so excited - when we pull out of our driveway Wednesday I am going to just be beside myself with glee.
The set up has been really good for me to get work done. Sunday, Savanna wanted Chelsea to spend the night. I said okay as long as they would play well and let me work in peace. They said no problem and they kept their word. They were good as gold. The boys were with friends and Larry took off and went golfing. Except for two little girls playing Barbie's just beautifully together and singing Hannah Montana songs with the door shut, I had no one here and was able to work til' 2 am last night. Then today I went to work, got started late because of a Dr.'s appointment but after that I got a lot done and aside from supper went straight through til' midnight working on stuff. I was alone again because Jordan was at the Currie's, Dustin was at Stephen's and Savanna was at Chelsea's and Larry and Pastor T took off to a viewing at a funeral home. When they left I said, "have fun!" (They thought it was bizarre, but you know - our staff enjoys being together - even at funeral homes we're happy, so I thought, why not tell them to have fun?) They went out to Fred's Market to eat afterwards and although I LOVE IT there, I am trying my hardest to stay OP (on program) so therefore it was a good idea I was not there. Tomorrow I'll have my last full day of work to wrap everything up.
I'm so excited about this coming Sunday's service as well. It's really coming together. My part - except continued prayer - is all done! I feel confident the Lord is going to do something great.