Larry finished all of the house stuff we were doing - in addition to the carpet, he replaced the blinds on the sliders. It was so overdue. The kids caused them to crack in some places through God knows what over the past 3 years and we have needed to do it but just haven't. We went and picked them out and he got them cut to fit our windows. At the same time I got a lemon tree for the back patio. I have really been wanting one. Now I have a tangerine tree and a lemon tree. :-) Little things like that make me happy. It's not just the big things in life that make me happy but many times the smallest things like that bring me joy.
Tonight Keith and Joy came over and we met at Rattlefish Reef. Ate some seafood - except Larry who ate veggies only. (Still on his fast til' Saturday) Then we came home and I had made dessert for us - and made Larry a fruit plate. We drank tea and sat around for a few hours and talked until Keith was too tired to talk anymore and wanted to drive back before he got too sleepy. It was a good night.
Now I'm going to savor this last little bit of peace and quiet while I can... time to go snuggle and eek every last wonderful moment out of this............g'night.