I would have posted a pic of it actually on my hand but I'm in serious need of a fill. I got a french manicure last time and it's kind of spotty by now, as I call it. I get a fill every 2 weeks or so but I ran out of time with trying to get all my work done and get packed. I'm going to try and go in the morning right when they open, before we leave. I don't want anyone but Lisa doing my fill, so it's worth it. Maybe then I'll post another pic. :-)
The anniversary gift for 20 years is supposed to be china or platinum. I was packing my suitcase tonight and washing two more loads of clothes, and re-loading the dishwasher and answering the phone and when I came back in the bedroom I could tell something was going on with him. He was kind of acting strange. Then he said, "lock the door." Now usually for Larry those words only mean one thing. So I said, "Um, babe, I'd love to but our suitcases are all over the bed and I'm trying to pack and stuff... so he says, "no, no...not that...just shut the door for a second. So I did and he proceeds to present me with a CD. It was a music CD of chinese music that went "platinum" in China. He says, "honey this is our 20th anniversary and the gifts are supposed to be china and platinum. I know you already have four sets of china. So, this is what I got you...a CD of chinese music that went platinum." I thought, "okay, he can't be serious..." It was so funny. So I said, "um, thanks honey, that's so creative" and then he pulled out the ring. I really love it!!! I think I kissed him three times right after he gave it to me...probably more but I was just feeling all mushy so it's kind of a blur now. I wasn't expecting it, honestly. Especially tonight. I was thinking he would get me something special but was not sure what.
As far as what I'm getting him - he's not too into jewelry - he doesn't want a new wedding band (I've tried to get him one and he doesn't like the idea although I love the idea! Maybe he'll change his mind one day) and the only other piece of jewelry he wants I gave him for Christmas two years ago. So... he wants golf stuff...plus plenty more of what I give him all the time. :-) Except for tonight when our suitcases were on the bed.
I do love this ring...I guess it means he still absolutely adores me after 20 years...
We have gems for husbands.
Enjoy your time with Larry!