I am so glad they didn't total it. Can you tell? My heart did a flip flop when Larry told me the insurance company told him to come over and sign the release forms to send the car to the shop. I was so excited. Now if Allstate just gives Dustin "accident forgiveness" for this first one, I will run around the neighborhood shouting. :-)
I also got some more good news. Dustin's last report card came and it was even better than we thought. We think he might get a scholarship we did not expect. Yep, life is getting better each day.
As great as it is, I'm feeling so tired. It was all I could do to drag myself to the beach Sunday afternoon. I went from Dustin's graduation party, to his concert that he organized, to his graduation ceremony, to the ministry fair, to princess luncheon set up week, to my meeting with Dr. and Mrs. Kuert, to two newspaper interviews, to Dustin's accident, to the princess luncheon, to the beach, to church life cohorts. I AM READY TO DROP. And, we're making a family trip this weekend. Right now I am exhausted and ready to get back to at least a little sense of normalcy. Routine. I don't want anything super exciting right now, I just want a few days of a regular schedule, nothing extra, just work, come home, talk to my family and sit on my swing. The third week in June, that will be possible and I can't wait. June 18, here I come.
I'm not one to fritter away time and wish that time would pass (I enjoy life) but I just occasionally really look forward to breaks. Sometimes I just really am in need of a "pajama" day where we just stay in PJ's, watch movies, and lay around. I do that about twice a year, and it sort of keeps me sane.
I'm jealous...I don't get my "Jammie Day" until the beginning of July, lol!!!!