We had great services. The Lord really did something powerful in the lives of those women, and I believe we are going to hear some great reports in the months to come. My prayer has been that God would protect these women from going home and having ‘the cares of this life’ as the Words says, choke out the Word of God that has been planted within them. The anointing was there – God’s Word went forth and His power was available to these ladies to move forward into the next level. I’m believing they will.
Here are some photos from the weekend…first there is me with Odalys Penton, the pastor’s wife. She’s a sweetheart. Just a wonderful pastor’s wife who loves these ladies so much and invests in their lives. She is a mentor and a discipler. The second photo is just of some of the ladies who were there.
Before service we had dinner at the resort. It was SO good, it was unbelievable. I had chicken marsala but they also had salmon that was out of the this world and I did have a bite of it off of someone’s plate after being invited to try it. I get to know people quickly on these ministry weekends, and we begin to behave just like family! :-) We finished it off with cheesecake though I did not eat my whole meal – I probably ate 1/3 of the entire thing. It was awesome but truthfully I did not need THAT much food and second, I don’t like to feel stuffed when I preach.
The service went until 9:30…so that puts Larry and I home at 2 am. I would have left earlier but God was really doing a work, and nothing messes with that – even my transportation or my sleep. Thankfully Larry had everything packed up, had the valet bring the car around and loaded it, and came to the conference room to pack my products and leave. It took all of a few moments to get it together and I had my pj’s hidden in a bag that I had with me so on the way out of the hotel I slipped into the restroom, put on my pj’s and went to the car. I figure with all these people walking around in skimpy swimsuits and God knows what else, a pair of flannel pj’s would not be too strange to see in the lobby even if it is a nice resort.
I’ll get home at 2 am, and have a little less than 4 hours of sleep til' I get up and go to church. The question on my mind is..do I unpack at 2 am, or 6 am? Does it really matter? Six of one, half a dozen the other.