Instead of telling you seven things you don't want to know, I'm just telling you seven things I decided I'd tell you today and let you decide whether to give it any attention.
1) The thing I abhor most that I see in many other women is a jealous spirit. Yet despite seeing this rampant among many women that I know, I still have a strong desire to connect with sisters. I'm not in the "I'd rather be friends with men and abandon women friendships" camp. We need our each other although sometimes the envy and jealousy stuff can just drive me to the nut house.
2) Except for when dealing with Jesus, or the Bible, I can't talk about blood without getting very queasy and in many instances fainting. It's pretty miraculous but regarding spiritual things I can discuss it with no problem but as soon as it becomes human, I feel lightheaded.
3) The greatest thing in the world to me is sharing with someone in upcoming leadership who is asking my advice, about my experience, and letting them learn from my mistakes rather than have the experience the pain of their own. Mentorship is gaining experience without the pain of failure...for those who care to listen to it.
4) I'm a really different person when I don't get enough sleep.
5) I have always wanted to go on a prayer retreat but never have. (yet!)
6) I want to accomplish something that no one ever has yet. This is one of my passions. I don't understand why so many people scramble to accomplish something that is just something thousands of other people already have notariety for.
7) I'm intensely loyal to my friends. That's the good news. I go to the wall for friends and sometimes get myself in trouble for them by opening my mouth to help them. I did this recently with one of my friends who had an idiot of an associate split their church. I was livid at how this associate treated his mentors and tried to destroy them especially after they have given their lives to that church. I opened my mouth about it on behalf of my pastor-friends becuase what was done to them is simply inexcusable. I really didn't care who got mad at me - what's right is right. I would go to war for a friend. But if I don't like someone, although I don't mistreat them, I don't put on a front that I do. Usually if I don't like someone it's because they are mean or ill motivated, in which case I avoid them. Otherwise it could be someone with opposite convictions of my own who has a big mouth and in that case I don't mistreat them, but I do stand up to them.