I do hang on to that fact that I know I'm called beyond a shadow of a doubt, and in addition to that I am so grateful about my relationship with Larry, (it really is a rock when having days like this) and I treasure my family, friends and our faithful people who really partner with us. Some days when things are particularly difficult, I go stare at my "balcony board" (all the encouraging letters from people are posted on there), or call a friend like I did tonight (thanks, Randy!) or sit in my bathtub like I'm going to do in a few minutes... it gives me a respite from the darkness I'm going through.
So tonight I was doing my devos on the patio after walking and this was honestly the passage for today (couldn't believe this fell on this particular day -- God is so awesome!) I Corinthians 15:57: "Therefore my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."
Then I come to a passage in Come Away that says this, "Know that whenever faith brings Me on the scene, everything is changed. No negative force can occupy the same space as my Spirit. Ask for the victory. I will come and bring it! Don't look for the victory - look for Me, and you will see the victory that I will bring with Me. After I have come, you will behold the miracles that I shall do."
That book is prophetic zinger after prophetic zinger to my heart. You know, some days all you have to hang on to is a zinger!