He helped me at the last minute to get some more CD's for the product table this weekend. We got a good clean copy of my Irresistible Woman message that I have preached at a few conferences. We burned it today on some CD's and Cathy made an insert and now I'll be able to have a few of those at the table this weekend.
I am still processing things spiritually for the weekend. I was reading in Secrets of the Secret Place a passage that says, "Intimacy precedes insight. Passion proceeds purpose. First comes the secret place, then comes divine guidance." I definitely realize that. My first message for this weekend is one that I would have never originally thought of for a women's retreat. It's about secrets to a breakthrough but going a different direction that I usually do...so it's all about TRUST...I'm trusting that what I've heard from God out on the patio is going to transfer into their hearts at the retreat.
Got my hair done today and saw Ada...always a blessing...she lifts my spirit every time, even when I'm already up she just lifts it higher! I also lost 3.4 pounds today. Isn't that great? Every ounce counts. And I'm remembering...."Progress, not perfection."
Larry just began a 40 day fast. This is day three and it's always his hardest. I was so touched yesterday in the car when he told me things he's fasting for. One of the things is something for me - for one of my dreams to come true. It's the first thing that was on his heart. I honestly didn't know it meant so much to him. I guess because it's important to me, it has become so to him.
Usually I like packing and hate unpacking. Right now I don't feel like doing either. I worked on the house yesterday a lot in between getting a lot of church work done, and prepping for the Eagles leadership meeting. Then I had a really full day today. I'm tired and need some sleep. Will read a little more, pray about two or three things on my heart, and get some sleep.
I'm believing for great things this weekend - miracles - something unexpected. Tonight I was reading Psalm 77:12-14 and it says, "I will meditate on all your works and co
nsider all your mighty deeds. Your ways, O God, are holy. What god is so great as our God? You are the God who performs miracles." (NIV)