Thankfully I have had a much needed respite the last 24 hours. We were supposed to have newcomers night last night but with so many away for Memorial Day we didn't end up having it. Therefore I had the night off. We went to the Garlands and fellowshipped with them and the Coopers for many hours, but then I got to just come home and rest. It was so nice. I had been so stressed going into the weekend with everything and desperately wanted some down time. Joy and Keith invited us over today and we were supposed to be at their house at 8 am this morning. We were going shopping all day and then to their home for a cook out. However,they called last night and said Joy was sick and had to cancel. I am not glad she's sick at all, in fact sad she is sick. However, I needed to sleep and I needed a day to stay in my jammies. This was it! I slept til 10:30 and then after resting most of the day, I submitted some of my work on line (writing projects) to various publishers. I have been tweaking a few projects in my spare (?) time this past week...actually I had no spare time but I made time on a few late nights because I was under a deadline for one of the projects and just had to. It's actually relaxing to me to lay in bed with my laptop and submit already created projects. I feel very accomplished getting them off my back and sending them. Now, the wait!
Decided to get up out of my comfy bed and walk a few miles after that. I'm always saying it is difficult time wise to exercise and that's true...so on a day like this that is wide open I want to take advantage. After that I came to the patio to enjoy my books and the Word and pray a little.
There's a beautiful breeze blowing out here and the sun has just set. I really don't want to go back in but I do need to spend time with Larry. Before I go back in, I want to recap something I read tonight in Come Away My Beloved, that really resonated with me...
"Tarry not for a convenient time. The movings of the Spirit are never convenient to the interests of the flesh, and I shall engineer your circumstances to conform to my plan and to My will. All the glittering enticements of this transient life are as chaff in comparison for God's gifts and calling never waver and My giving is restricted only by the will and choice of the recipient."
That's exactly what I preached about yesterday. There will never be a convenient time to abandon all to serve the interests of God. There will never be an easy time to walk away from all else to devote yourself to the cause of Christ. If not us, who? And if not now, when?