What are they? Heels for men.
I am NOT KIDDING. The picture here is REAL and this is a MALE. I hesitate to say man, because…to me a man is, well…a MAN, with a capital “M”. This guy here is really trying to make a male fashion statement - he is not a cross dresser, at least not in the true sense of the word.
What was this designer thinking? In case you are wondering, “Meels” are the latest fashion creation to hit the market, and they were created by a designer, Marjan Pejoski, who is hoping this idea catches on for men worldwide. I can say that excites me about as much as sliding down a razor blade into a vat of alcohol. Yikes!
You know, I consider myself to be a real adventurous, liberated type gal, the kind that wears five earrings in my ears, wild colors of nail polish (usually with designs on at least one of my toes/fingers), walks around my house in just a t-shirt and underwear most of the time if it's just my family, and if the kids aren't home, even less. (Is that TMI?) and a (gasp!) bikini on the beach occasionally. (Note: this is not very scandalous, for a pastor’s wife in Florida.) However…meels? No, no no. Absolutely NOT.
Men need to be…men. And no matter how fashion changes, I am sorry I just cannot accept a man in heels at least not without bursting out laughing at the sight of them.
You know, from time to time I have wanted a more “sensitive” type guy. I have wished my husband was a little more “metro”, a little more the emotional type. Sometimes I’ve thought, “why can’t he be a little more like me?” But now that I’ve seen meels? I’ll take my Nike-wearing, starter jacket wearing, sweaty, even keeled, unemotional macho man ANY DAY of the week.
Honestly, my husband’s heart starts beating faster with excitement when he sees me in a pair of heels, but if I saw him in a pair? I think I’d have a heart attack and die. What in the world was this designer thinking? I can’t imagine any women liking this.
What do you think? Women, would there be ANY attraction in this for you at all?
As for me, I love to wear heels myself...they make me feel extremely feminine, which is one reason I could not handle them on a man.