I'm actually going to talk about two blessings today. Not fair you say? It's my blog. Anything is fair here that I say is fair.
Obviously my numero uno blessing is my relationship with Jesus. It should go without saying but for so many, it's not obvious so I'm not going to just assume the reader knows this.
I'm blessed by His indescribable love for me. For some reason when I keep screwing up incessantly, He loves me infinitely. I'm so glad His love for me is so so great and His grace abounds in my life.
My second blessing is my greatest earthly relationship - my husband Larry. He's not just the sexiest man I know, he's the most stable. In 22 years of being together, I've never once feared him doing anything off the deep end. While he lives a life totally abandoned to God, He's not flaky. I think there's a big difference between abandonment to God and stupidity. A big difference. So, He's that (which I appreciate so much in Him, with all I've had a front row seat to in 22 years of watching some pretty crazy things) but some of his other qualities I love are that he is:
So warm and inviting (on at least half the mornings of the week I get up, get Savanna ready for school, get showered, and then...slide back into bed next to him. I can't help it, I really can't.)
and much more but I'll stop there for now so I can go night night. :-)