Yep, you're right. I'm unabashedly, unashamedly...RESTING. (Except for services this week, and any emergencies...and, knock on wood, we haven't had any emergencies this week so far.) For those reading who have never been aware of what we do here at NS this week...my husband and I close the office down from December 26 until January 2. Staffers only have to come in and be prepared for regularly scheduled services, necessities that can't wait like bank deposits, etc., and we are also on call 24/7 for emergencies. It is not our actual "vacation time" because we still prepare for and do services and "must do paper work" or things like our ezines, plus we stay on call. The only difference is, we don't keep office hours. But it's a wonderful gift we all have, to move at a slow pace and be home with our families, excepting these other few mandatory things. It's always a week we all cherish. When there are no emergencies, it's just awesome. Even with emergencies, it's usually not too bad because even one of those sometimes only takes a few hours to attend to depending on what it is.
This year is especially awesome for our family & Pastors Matt & Lindsay, because we're going on vacation together on the heels of this week. Yippee!!! We are going to take one of our actual "away" vacation weeks and go to Tennessee where we are going to play in the snow and spend time in the mountains. For anybody planning to toilet paper my yard or anything while I'm away, just know that Pastor Aaron and Geena the Wonder Dog will be living here and guarding it 24/7! :-) But back to down time...
Oh how great it is. Today I slept in and my darling Larry brought me breakfast in bed. Now, how much better does it get than that? The boys are visiting with friends 24/7, either having them here or going over to their houses. Steven (above with Dustin) has been living here a lot this week, which is always nice. Savanna (above pic of her just a few minutes ago) is getting ready to go ice skating in about 15 minutes with her friend, Savannah D. (We always have to call her Savannah D. to distinguish the two...they are in the same class and I imagine the teachers have a challenge too since they are always together....Savanna S., Savannah D., and Winter. What a beautiful name!)
I think today I'm going to work out (hey, I've lost 4 pounds since Christmas day! I told you, I got saved again, alright?!!!) and maybe even ride my bike at least an hour. I have to go take my Mp3 back that I got for Christmas. It won't work. Bummer. I have to hurry and get another one b/c is makes my workout so much faster. I'm going to start listening to podcast sermons while I ride my bike each morning. I can't wait!!!
I have been packing for TN for 2 days now. Why? It's going to be a challenge with the luggage restriction Larry has given us. I'm packing, re-packing, re-deciding what I'm going to take. I actually don't have many winter clothes at all. I got rid of 99.9% of them when I moved here. But the issue is, just two sweatshirts takes up a major amount of room in my suitcase along with all the other stuff I want to take. Winter stuff just takes up so much room. Another reason I'm glad I moved to Florida. Oh how blessed we are.
Oh how blessed I am for this time, to be unashamedly RESTING!
When we get back it's gonna take off like a rocket, this 2007 year. So I'm trying to gear up all I can. What a fabulous year this is going to be. If last year is any indication...we're headed for something miraculous. I am blessed with THE most beautiful place to live, THE greatest church family in the world, THE most awesome staff ever, and I live with four people I love more than anything in the world. Sometimes you have to take a serious rest, even with all that.